Tourists warned to avoid certain Maldives resorts over human rights abuses

The Ethical Maldives Coalition is asking tourists to consider ethical issues when culling where and how to spend mazuma in the Maldives. In particular, it has drawn up a list of resorts that it wants visitors to consult so that they can be cognizant which are the resorts that it verbally expresses are directly or indirectly linked to human rights abuses.
The coalition believes that tourists can make a difference in bulwarking democracy in the country.
“The Maldives has a long and woebegone history of political oppression and human rights abuses," it verbalized in a verbal expression. "Most tourists to the islands remain blissfully nescient of the realities of life for the local population. Mazuma from tourism provides the bulwark of fortification to a regime with a kenned record of dismay and oppression."
While not giving any details that may back up such links, the website has colour coded a number of popular resorts. Those that it verbally expresses should be evaded are red and dubbed “high risk”. Those marked green are low risk and recommended resorts to visit, while a few orange resorts are “under consideration”.

The group verbally expressed it is concerned that “Islamic extremists may increase their foothold in Maldives due to political unrest, corruption & regime brutality.” But while it had denominated the hotels it wanted tourists to boycott, those abaft the coalition verbally expressed they were unable to reveal their own identities over concerns about the safety of family and friends living in the Maldives.


Milan Tomic

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