Apple CEO will donate all their wealth to charity

Apple CEO Tim Cook plans to donate all assets to an eleemosynary organization. According to US magazine Fortune.

Fortune magazine, verbally expressed Tim Cook, plans to donate all the assets of some $ 785 million to charity after spending on the college's 10-year-old nephew. Why do you optate to donate such assets is due to optically discern the paramountcy in the fight against Some diseases, such as AVAILS, climate change and support for equal rights. Last time ago, this man had publicly promulgated that he was gay, in order to combat against the antithesis sex discrimination.

In 2012, Cook has donated $ 50 million to Stanford Hospital, near the headquarters of Apple and $ 25 million for children's hospitals. In integration, he has additionally provided $ 50 million in grants to the Product Red to fight AVAILS, tuberculosis and malaria. This, according to The Verge.

By billionaires like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has donated its property Many go to the charity.ity

Milan Tomic

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